Everyday is an opportunity to grow. Sharing my learnings, successes and failures.
Peng Ying
I'm happiest at the intersection of product and engineering. I enjoying understanding technology and businesses strategy. I've grown products from 0 to 1 and 1 to 1 billion.
Building an API
Building an APISo you want to create a new world class API and a developer experience that differentiates you from your competitors. I hope that I can shed a bit of light on the topic. Let's get into it and discuss all of the attributes of a great developer experience, API design and considerations to make.12/18/20238 min read
Learning ML
Learning MLThat's it! You have a LLM running on your machine that you can interact with via an API and all you had to do was install some software and copy and paste a few lines. What an amazing ecosystem.9/22/202310 min read
Forcing function to find something new
Forcing function to find something newJust like most work evenings, I checked my calendar for morning meetings. There was a hint of something odd - a morning meeting with my manager, even though we just had a 1:1 a few days prior.8/8/20235 min read

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